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Your Saved Quote Exclusive Discount


We're adding even more magic to your booking this month! Book with MagicBreaks by 27th March 2025 and receive an additional magical experience with your booking!*

From spa days to paint balling, Go Ape to afternoon tea at home, we've got something for everyone to enjoy!

Click here to find out more!


Click Here to Enquire About Your Next Magical Holiday



Claim your exclusive £25 discount using MAGIC25!

Book by Midnight Sunday 18th February 2024!*


PLUS, you can combine this offer with our Share the Love promotion:
Book your next exciting holiday with transport included to receive a romantic experience for you and your partner!*


You can benefit from:
⭐ Cinema Trip for 2**
⭐ Piglet Pantry Afternoon Tea for 2**
⭐ Spa Day with Treatment for 2**


*Discount code  of £25 can be claimed online and over the phone. This will expire midnight Sunday 18th February 2024. Valid for all bookings. **Offer is valid until 29th February 2024. Cinema Trip is valid for bookings with transport between £1,000 - £2,000. Piglet Pantry Afternoon Tea is valid for bookings with transport over £2,000. Spa Day with Treatment is valid for bookings with transport over £5,000.




For a personalised quote, call us on 0330 880 5038